
Most recent first:

Screenshot of whale embroidery pattern
Digital graphics (Paint.NET)

spring tulips and a tree trunk in a sidewalk-planter
Acrylic on canvas

pixel art of orange corn snake in an ouroboros pose
Digital graphics (Paint.NET)
go to post: image to pixel-art how-to

custom safety sign depicting a flame
bicycle safety yield sign decorated with a person flying off
Electrical tape over retroreflective tape on aluminum (left), electrical tape over actual sign (right)

sculpture of cow behind hanging off of MIT's Great Domesculpture of cow head installed on a wall
Peel-ply, chicken wire over cardboard, paper-mâché
from IHTFP Hack Gallery

photo of LEGO minifig with stylized graphicsrear view of LEGO minifig

LEGOS + Digital Graphics (Paint.NET)

Wood carving depicting Bill Watterson's Hobbes chasing Calvin
woodburning + inlay

Rendition of Charley Harper's painting depicting a stylized bird flying off with bacon over a frying pan
acrylic on wood

sculpture of DSLR camera carved from soap

rear view of camera soap sculpturetop view of camera soap sculpture
soap + mixed media

sculpture of flowers in a vase carved from soap

close-up view of vase from soap sculpturetop view of soap sculpture vase

soap + wire

paper cutout drawing depicting swimming ducks
pen + construction paper

painting depicting elephant and giraffe stuffed animals
chalk pastel on paper

painting depicting french horn
pastel + colored pencil on paper

painting depicting a taped-on drawing of bamboo and paper crane
charcoal + pencil on paper

ink still-life drawing

section view of ink drawing (1 of 11) section view of ink drawing (2 of 11) section view of ink drawing (3 of 11) section view of ink drawing (4 of 11) section view of ink drawing (5 of 11) section view of ink drawing (6 of 11) section view of ink drawing (7 of 11) section view of ink drawing (8 of 11) section view of ink drawing (9 of 11) section view of ink drawing (10 of 11) section view of ink drawing (11 of 11)          
pen & ink on paper

painting depicting screws tumbling out of basket
acrylic on paper

painting depicting swashbuckler human skeleton riding a rat
chalk pastel + mixed media on paper

painting depicting a human skeleton drinking soda
chalk + charcoal on paper

Misc. sketches: Pencil & digital

pencil drawing depicting cubone pokemon holding a skull

digital drawing depicting the author and a cardinal birddigital drawing depicting the author with an angry expressiondigital drawing depicting the lugia pokemon underwater